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Ch4zm of Hellmouth Teaching Page

Ch4zm of Hellmouth teaches at the Hellmouth Community College, where the motto is, it's hard to be bright in Hellmouth!

Fall 2020 Teaching Schedule

A list of courses Ch4zm is teaching in Fall 2020:

Blaseball 101: Intro to Blaseball

Course Code: BLAB 101

Course Location: Room 5778A, Internet Hall, Hellmouth Community College

Course Description: What is blaseball? Yes! The only thing that matters is the Sun. In this course you will STARE INTO THE SUN and come away with a deep reverence for the sun and a tendency to worship the most supreme high-density ball of burning gas.

Blaseball 207: Contemporary Issues in Meta-Blaseballical Studies

Course Code: BLAB 207

Course Location: Room 5778B, Sunbeam Hall, Hellmouth Community College

Course Description: Seminar discussions of current meta-blaseballical topics, including applied, hands-on capstone clomputational projects.

Blaseball 233: Modeling the Blaseball Universe

Course Code: BLAB 233

Course Location: Room 5778A, Sunbeam Hall, Hellmouth Community College

Course Description: A recently-published proof by Butt et al has demonstrated the logical possibility that the entire blaseball universe is merely a simulation inside of a computer - the so-called Speculatio Qui Vivimus en Machina theory. We discuss the exciting implications of this proof and explore state-of-the-art modeling strategies for simulating the blaseball universe, including clomputational strategies.

Blaseball 284: Applied Blaseball Mathematics

Course Code: BLAB 284

Course Location: Room 5778, Trombone Memorial Tower, Hellmouth Community College

Course Description: We apply mathematics to explore fundamental questions of blaseball, such as, what was blaseball before it was blaseball? What is the topology of the interdimensional rift that was created when Moab became Hellmouth? How can Randy Marijuana's Cat Cafe be so spacious, and yet only have room for one cat at a time?

Blaseball ████: Forbidden Knowledge and the Blaseball Gods

Course Code: ████

Course Location: Room 5778, ██████████ Building, Hellmouth █████unity C██████

Course Description: ██████████████████████ █████████ ███████████████ ██████████████ ██████ ███████████████████ ████████████████████ ███████████████ ██████ ████████████████ █████████ █████ ██████████████ █████